We provide system hosting and services for the Open Source community.
Why host with us?
There are several advantages to hosting your infrastructure with the OSL.
- Excellent support provided by people who are involved with Open Source.
- Assistance with system administration available, allowing Open Source developers to do what they do best; develop!
- Wide variety of services offered (see list below).
- Redundant network connectivity and service provided by NERO, the Network for Education and Research in Oregon.
- We understand that Open Source communities work on a volunteer basis, so we strive to provide the cheapest possible hosting solution around. Given enough outside contributions and funding, this may even mean free hosting.
What we provide
- Mail Relays (with spam and virus tagging & blacklist filtering)
- Database Services to relieve some of the pressure on your hosted web services
- DNS for your project, managed via our web interface Maintain
- File distribution via our own ftp network and rsync for outside mirrors
- Code Repository (subversion)
- Mailing Lists (mailman)
See the links above for more details, or contact us at support-at-osuosl-org